FAO: Parish Councils
We are pleased to let you know that we are now consulting on an Employment Local Development Order (LDO) for small scale industrial space. The consultation will run from Monday 13 January to Monday 16 March 2020.
You can view and respond to the consultation via the following link: https://yoursay.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk/strategy/employment-ldo/
This LDO is a proactive planning tool to enable increased delivery of small-scale industrial space in rural parts of Somerset West and Taunton, excluding the Exmoor National Park Authority (which produces its own planning documents). The LDO was developed in response to demand from small businesses to set up or expand their existing operations.
The LDO and accompanying Design Code will provide clarity on how to deliver high quality small-scale industrial space appropriate to the site. It will ensure that a high and consistent standard of design is delivered, providing sustainable and stimulating working environments whilst at the same time enabling the diverse requirements of individual occupiers to be met.
If adopted, the LDO could grant planning permission for small scale office, research and light industrial space across the Council area removing the need for a planning application to be made. Development must accord with all aspects of the Design Code in order to benefit from the permitted development rights confirmed by the LDO.
If you have any questions about this consultation, please feel free to get in touch with the Strategy Team.
Yours sincerely
The Strategy Team
Somerset West and Taunton Council